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Bowyers' Prize Day

Bowyers' prize day takes place in July each year.

The Gentlemen's Competition

In 1909 the Worshipful Company of Bowyers of the City of London consulted the Royal Toxophilite Society as to the best method of arranging a competition for two gold medals which the Company proposed to offer for archery. The matter was referred to the committee which recommended that the competition should take place at Archers' Hall (Regents Park). Ladies and Gentlemen who made the best averages during the previous year being invited to compete. This proposal proving acceptable to the Company a medal was designed for them by Mr Clement O. Skilbeck, and the first of two medals struck from which the first two medals were struck from the die were duly shot for on 11 July 1910. The first winners were Miss JP Irwen and Mr T Langford Sainsbury.

The Ladies Competition

After the shooting was over the medals were presented to the winners in the unavoidable absence of the Master by Mr RW Scobell, a Past Master of the Company who after briefly alluding to the services rendered by the Company to archers in former times expressed the satisfaction felt by the company in presenting the medals for the encouragement of archery in the present day and of the pleasure it gave him to hand the medals to the winners on the first occasion they were competed for. The hon secretary of the RTS on behalf of the archers thanked the worshipful company of Bowyers for the very handsome medals they had presented and assured them of the pleasure it gave the society to see members of the company who had honoured them with their presence on this occasion. The best gold sweepstakes were won by Mrs Dickinson and Miss Thackwell (both pinholes), Mrs Ward, Miss M Williams and Mr Langford-Sainsbury.

Prize Day Winners 2005

Today the Company donates medals, gold and silver. which are awarded for 1st, 2nd places for Ladies shooting the Hereford round (80, 60 and 50 yards) and Gentlemen shooting the York round (100, 80 and 60 yards) using a re-curve bow. A bronze medal is presented to the Ist Lady and Gentlemen shooting the same distance using a compound bow. This competition is by invitation only, competitors being invited to participate by the event organisers the Royal Toxopohilite Society.

On this occasion, the Company pays for the competitor's refreshments throughout the day.

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