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An Agreement for the use of Broiderers' Hall 16th June 1674

Original Spelling Modern Spelling

At a Court holden the iith of June 1674

It is Agreed and ordered by this Court that the Company of Bowyers shall have the Use of Broiderers Hall for their Severall Meetings (that is to say) on their fower Quarter Dayes & such other times as they shall have occasion for except they have warning from the Wardens of the Company of Broiderers to the Contrary And in such Case they are to alter their said Meeting to another Day And for the same the said Company of Bowyers have Agreed to pay Unto the Company of Broiderers Six pounds a yeare from Midsomer Day now next ensuing by Quarterly payments the first payment to bee made at Michaelmas next And it is also Agreed that the said Company of Bowyers shall make sattisfaction to the said Company of Broiderers for any thing they shall spoyle or breake in their Use of the sd Hall And that they shall pay the Beadle for the making Cleane thereof after their respective Meetings And that this Agreement shall Continue Untill either side shall give a Quarters warning to the Contrary And there upon Mr John Cobb and Mr Edward Hitchcocke Wardens of the sd Company of Bowyers Doe hereby Ingage themselves on the said Company of Bowyers behalfe for the payment of the said Rent And that all things on the said Company of Bowyers behalfe should bee Done and performed accordingly. And thereupon the Wardens of the said Company of Broiderers on their said Companyes behalfe And the said Mr Cobb and Mr Hitchcocke on the Company of Bowyers behalfe have subscribed theire Names to severall Coppyes of this order Dated the Sixteenth Day of June 1674



At a Court held (date?) June 1674

It is agreed and ordered by this Court that the Company of Bowyers shall have the use of Broderers Hall for their several meetings (that is to say) on their four Quarter Days & such other times as they shall have occasion for except they have warning from the Wardens of the Company of Broderers to the contrary and in such case they are to alter their said meeting to another day and for the same the said Company of Bowyers have agreed to pay unto the Company of Broderers six pounds a year from Midsummer Day now next ensuing by quarterly payments the first payment to be made at Michaelmas next and it is also agreed that the said Company of Bowyers shall make satisfaction to the said Company of Broderers for any thing they shall spoil or break in their use of the said Hall and that they shall pay the Beadle for the making clean thereof after their respective meetings and that this agreement shall continue until either side shall give a quarters warning to the contrary and thereupon Mr John Cobb and Mr Edward Hitchcocke Wardens of the said Company of Bowyers do hereby engage themselves on the said Company of Bowyers behalf for the payment of the said rent and that all things on the said Company of Bowyers behalf should be done and performed accordingly. And thereupon the Wardens of the said Company of Broderers on their said Companys behalf and the said Mr Cobb and Mr Hitchcocke on the Company of Bowyers behalf have subscribed their names to several copies of this order dated the Sixteenth Day of June 1674




Date 16th June 1674
Grantor Company of Broderers
Grantee Company of Bowyers
Subject Use of Broderers' Hall by the Bowyers for quarterly and other meetings
Rent £6 per annum payable quarterly from Midsummer Day 1674, first instalment due on Michaelmas (29th September) 1674 (ie payable quarterly in arrears)
Conditions The Broderers can give notice for meetings to be held on another day

Bowyers to pay for any damage and breakages and to pay the Beadle for cleaning after each meeting

Termination By either party on one quarter's notice
Signatories for the Broiderers' Company John Cobb and Edward Hitchcocke, Wardens
Signatories for the Bowyers' Company John Kelham and Richard Tilden, Wardens

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