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An Extract From the Will of James Wood Citizen & Bowyer of London Dated 1st August 1625 - Proved 29th July 1629

Item whereas Anne Pate widdow late the wife of Edward Pate late of Isly Walton in the County of Leicester Gent Decd: Henry Pate of Hather in the said County of Leicester Clerke Eldest sonne of the said Edward Pate Decd: and Thomas Pate Cittizen and Cutler of London sonne of the said Edward Pate Decd: by their Indenture of Bargaine and Sale beareing Date the First Day of MARCH in the yeare of the Reign of our Late Soveraigne Lord KING JAMES of England France and Ireland the One and Twentyth and of Scotland the Seven and Fiftyeth (for the Considerations therein expressed) Have graunted bargained Sold aliened enfeoffed and Confirmed to John Byram of Derby in the County of Derby Gent: John Chapman of the parish of St Lawrence in the old Jewry London Gent and Henry Reeve of the parish of Christ-church within Newgate London Gent their Heires and Assignes forever All that the Manor or Lordshipp of Isly Walton aforesaid with the Rights Members and Appurtenances thereof or thereunto belonging in the said County of Leicester and divers other Messuages Lands Tenements Rents Services and Hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenances situate Lying and being within the Townes Feilds Libertyes Terytoryes and precincts of Isly Walton aforesaid Kegworth and Osgathorp in the said County of Leicester or in any of them As in and by the said Indenture of Bargaine and Sale whereunto Relation being had more plainely may appeareAnd whereas the said John Byram John Chapman and Henry Reeve by their writeing or Deed Indented Under their hands and Seales beareing Date the sixteenth Day of July last past before the Date of these presents Have acknowledged that the said Indenture of Bargaine and Sale was soe made to them the said John Byram John Chapman and Henry Reeve but onely in Trust and not to their owne Uses But to the onely proper Use and behoofe of mee the said James Wood and of my Heires and Assignes forever And have Likewise Covenanted by the said writeing or Deed Indented that they the said John Byram John Chapman and Henry Reeve their Heires and Assignes shall and will at all times and will from time to time hereafter Upon the reasonable request and at the Costs and Charges of mee the said James Wood my Heires executors administrators and Assignes graunt aliene Enfeoffe and Confirme Unto mee the said James Wood my Heires or Assignes or Unto such other person or persons and for such Estate or Estates and to such Use and Uses and for such Lymittation and Lymittations as I the said James Wood should in and by my Last will and Testament in writeing or by any other writeing Under my hand and Seale give Lymitt and appoint the said Manor or Lordship of Isly Walton aforesaid and all and singular other the premisses before mentioned and every part thereof and all such estate right Tytle Interest Use possession revercon remainder Claime benyfytt and demand whatsoever which they the said John Byram John Chapman and Henry Reeve their Heires and Assignes have or hereafter may or can have to of or in the same or any part or parcell thereof by force and Virtue of the sd Indenture of Bargaine and Sale or otherwise howsoever as by the said writeing or Deed Indented amongst other things therein Conteyned more plainely alsoe appeareth my will and meaning therefore is And I doe Give will Devise and bequeath and hereby desire limitt nominate and appoint the said John Byram John Chapman and Henry Reeve and their Heires to graunt aliene Enfeoffe and Confirme the said Manor or Lordship of Isly Walton aforesaid and all and singuler other the premises with their and every of their Appurtenances by the said Indenture of Bargaine and Sale bargained and Sold Unto them the said John Byram John Chapman and Henry Reeve Unto the said MASTER WARDENS AND COMONALTY of the said Mistery or Art of BOWYERS of the Citty of London and to their successors forever Upon the Condition neverthelesse and to the Uses Intents and purposes hereafter mentioned expressed and Declared (That is to say) to the Intent and purpose that the said Master and Wardens of the said Company of BOWYERS and their successors for the time being shall every yeare and yearely forever after my Decease out of the Rents yssues and revenues of the said Manor or Lordship of Isley Walton and other the premises before mentioned pay give and bestowe Uppon Three Schollars whereof my will is that the aforesaid James Chibball bee the First within the University of Oxford and Unto Two more Schollars more within the University of Cambridge Freemens Sonnes of the said Company of Bowyers if there bee any such but if not Upon Five other poore Schollars which have come from Christ Church Schoole in London or such other as the said Master and Wardens for the time being in their discretions shall thinke most fitt towards their maintenance at the said Universytyes the yearely somes of six pounds apiece at Two Feasts or Termes in the yeare (that is to say) at the Feasts of St Michael the Archangell and the Annunciation of our Lady or within Forty Dayes next after either of the said Feasts by even and equal portions And my will and meaning is that every of the said Schollars shall have and receive the sd portions or yearely Somes of six pounds for and dureing the Space of Seven yeares (if hee shall soe Longe Continue at the Universyty) And doe and shall alsoe give and bestowe Unto and Upon Six poore men or widdows free of the said Company of Bowyers Upon the Feasts Day of St Michael the Archangell in every yeare from and after my Decease (Vizt) one yeare Unto every of the sd Six poore men or widdows Three yards of Broadcloth of Tenn shillings the yard to make every of them a Gowne and another yeare Unto every of the said Six poore men or widdows Thirty shillings in money and soe from yeare to yeare forever (Vizt) one yeare Gownes and another yeare money And to the further Intent and purpose likewise That they the said Master and Wardens and the Livery of the said Company of Bowyers for the time being shall every second yeare forever after my Decease Upon the Thursday next after the Feast of St James the Apostle being the Day when they Sweare their Master and Wardens repaire in theire Livery Gownes Unto the parish Church of St Nicholas Cole Abbey aforesaid to heare a Sermon and doe then give Unto the parson of the said parish for his sermon then to bee preached Twenty Shillings and to the Clerke and Sexton of the said Church Eighteene pence apiece and to the Churchwardens for the Use of the poore of the said parish Tenn shillings and to the Beadle of the said Company Two shillings And Unto the poore people they shall meete Coming and Goeing Fifteene Shillings in Two pences And doe and shall alsoe Upon Quarter Day to bee holden for the said Company give Unto the said yeomanry of the said Company Five shillings to bee by them spent at their discretions. And doe and shall alsoe give & bestowe every half yeare forever Upon the poore of the said Towne of Walton Tenn shillings to bee distributed amongst them at the discretion of the Churchwardens there for ye time being And to the further Intent and purpose That they the said Master and Wardens and Comonalty of the said Company of Bowyers & their successors shall reserve and keepe the residue of Rents yssues and proffitts of the sd Manor Lordship and other the premisses towards the purchasing of a Hall and to bee otherwise ymployed at the Discretions for the Use of the poore & good of the sd Company And for that the sd Mannor or Lordship of Isly Walton is holden of the Kings most Excellent Majestye in Knights service and Cannott be Conveyed Unto the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the said Mistery or Arte of the Bowyers without a Speciall Lycense from his said Majestye I doe therefore give and bequeath Unto the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the said Company of Bowyers the Sume of Fifty pounds of Lawfull money of England to beare the Charges of the procureing and getting the Said Lycense of alienation provided allwayes that if it shall fortune the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the said Company of Bowyers for the time being or their successors at any time hereafter to bee remisse or negligent in paying and distributing of the said Legacyes and sumes of money which are issueing out of the said Lordship of Isly Walton & other the premises before mentioned and doe not truely pay or distribute the same according to the true purport and true meaning of this my present Testament and Last Will or otherwise upon reasonable request to them in that behalf made Then I will give Devise and bequeath And I doe hereby desire Lymitt nominate and appointe the said John Byram John Chapman and Henry Reeve and their Heires to graunt aliene & Confirme the said Manor or Lordship of Isly Walton aforesaid and other the premises with their and every of their Appurtenances Unto the Rights heires of mee the said James Wood to the Use Intent and purpose aforesaid.

Item I give and bequeath unto my said Loveing Sister Joane Windell one Annuyty or yearely Rent Charge of Twelve pounds of Lawfull money of England to bee yssueing and goeing out and to bee had perceived and taken out of and in all that my Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances now in the occupation of Stephen Hackley butcher situate lying and being at or neare unto Cow Crosse in the parish of St Sepulchres in the County of Middx: which I hold by Lease for divers yeares yett to Come To have take and enjoy the said Annuity or yearely Rent Charge of Twelve pounds Unto my said sister Joane Windell and her Assignes for and dureing all the remainder of the yeares and Terme which I have to Come to of and in the foresaid Messuage or Tenement (if the said Joane Windell my sister shall soe longe live) Att Four Feasts or Termes in the yeare (that is to say) At the Feasts of St Michael the Archangell the Birth of our Lord God the Annunciation of our Lady and the Nativyty of St John Baptist within the space of Thirty Dayes next after every of the same Feast Dayes by even and equall portions the First payment thereof to beginne and bee made at such of the said Feasts as shall First and next happen after my Decease.

Item I give and bequeath Unto Ralph Rotheram sonne of Thomas Rotheram Cittizen and Mercer of London one Annuyty or yearely Rent Charge of Six pounds of Lawfull money of England to bee yssueing and goeing out and to bee had received and Taken out of and in the foresaid Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances now in the occupation of the said Stephen Hackley To have take and enjoy the said Annuyty or yearely Rent Charge of Six pounds of Lawfull English money Unto the said Ralph Rotheram and his Assignes for and dureing all the remainder of the yeares and Terme which I have to Come to of and in the foresaid Messuage or Tenement (if the said Ralph Rotheram shall soe Longe Live) at the said Four Feasts or Termes in the yeare before mentioned or within the Like space of Thirty Dayes next after every of the same Feast Dayes by even and equall portions the First payment thereof to beginn and to bee made at such of the said Feasts as shall First and next happen after my Decease And I give full power and Authoryty Unto the said Joane Windell my Sister and to the said Ralph Rotheram and their Assignes and to either and every of them severally to enter into and Upon the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances or into any part or parcell thereof And there to Distraine for the said Two severall Annuytyes or yearely Rent Charge of Twelve pounds and Six pounds or either of them or any parte of them when and soe often as the same or any parte or parcell of them shalbee behinde and Unpayd by the space of Thirty Dayes next after any of the Feast Dayes aforesaid And the Distresse and Distresses there soe had and taken to beare lead drive price sell and convey away and the same to Detain withhold & keepe Untill the said Annuytyes or yearely Rents Charge of Twelve pounds and Six pounds and the Arrearages thereof (if any bee) shalbee unto the said Joane Windell and Ralph Rotheram and their Assignes fully sattisfyed and payd.

(Item) I give and bequeath Unto the Master Wardens and Comonalty of the Mistery or Art of Bowyers of the Citty of London and to their successors and Assignes All that my aforesaid Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances now in the occupation of the said Stephen Hackley and all my Estate and Interest of in and to the same To hold Unto the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the said Company of Bowyers their Successors and Assignes for and dureing all the Terme of yeares as shalbe to Come and Unexpired in the Lease by which I hold and enjoy the same at the time of my Decease to the Intent and purpose neverthelesse and Upon Condition that they the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the said Art or Mistery of Bowyers and their successors and Assignes for the time being shall within the space of Six Monthes next after my Decease Upon the request and at the Costs and Charges of the said Stephen Hackley his executors and Assignes make Seale and Deliver Unto the said Stephen Hackley his Executors and Assignes a new Lease of the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances Upon the surrendering of his old one for the Terme of one and Twenty yeares or one and Thirty yeares at the Election or Choice of the said Stephen Hackley or of his wife (in Case hee bee dead) And for the yearely Rent of Twenty one pounds Six shillings and Eight pence of Lawfull money of England to bee payd Quarterly And one good short Surloyne of Beefe of Four Stone Weight to bee delivered yearely Upon the Wednesday next after the Feast of St James the Apostle and under such other Covenants Conditions Lymittations & Agreements as are contained in his old Lease And to the further Intent and purpose and Upon Condition that they the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the said Company of Bowyers their successors and Assignes shall well and truely pay Unto my said Sister Joane Windell and to the said Ralph Rotheram and their Assignes the said severall Annuytyes of Twelve pounds and Six pounds in manner and forme aforesaid And the residue of the Rents issues and proffits of the said Messuage or Tenement towards the purchasing of a Hall for the said Company.

(Item) I give and bequeath Unto the Masters Wardens and Comonalty of the said Mistery or Art of Bowyers of the Citty of London One Hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England to the Intent and Upon Condition that the said Master & Wardens of the said Mistery or Art of Bowyers aforesaid and their Successors for the time being shall from time to time hereafter Deliver and Lend the said Sume of One Hundred pounds Unto Four honest sober and discreet young Men of the said Company in occupying by even portions. And I will that the said Four men and every of them to whom any part or portion of the said Sume of one Hundred pounds shalbee Delivered in occupying shall have in occupying the said money the space and full Terme of Two yeares next after Receipt of every such Sume or Sumes they and every of them for their severall parts respectively paying Unto the said Master Wardens & Comonalty of the said Company and their successors for the time being every yeare yearely for every of the said Sume and Sumes of money soe to them delivered as aforesaid after the Rate of Three pounds for the Hundred And that every of the said partyes that shall have in occupying any part or portion of the said Sume of One Hundred pounds shall putt in Two sufficient Suretyes Freemen of the Citty of London not being Free of the said Company of Bowyers which shall Jointly and Severally together with him or them bee bound as well to yield up Deliver and pay againe Unto the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the Mistery or Art of Bowyers as aforesaid for the time being at the End and Terme of the said Two yeares All such sume and sumes of money as hee or they shall receive And alsoe every yeare yearely dureing the said Terme of Two yeares soe much Interest as the said Sume and Sumes of money soe to him or them Delivered as aforesaid shall amount and Come Unto after the Rate of Three pounds for the Hundred And I will that if any the said Suretyes shall happen to die before the End and Terme of the said Two yeares That then hee or they to whom any such Sume or Sumes of money shalbee Delivered shall within one Month next after his or their said Surety or Suretyes decease pay Unto the said Master Wardens and Comonalty of the said Company of Bowyers the said Sume and Sumes of money soe to them Delivered as aforesaid or else bring in his or their place other sufficient surety or suretyes to bee bound as aforesaid And my will and meaning is that the said Interest to grow and arise of and for the said Sume of One Hundred pounds shalbee from time to time distributed by the said Master and Wardens of the said Company of Bowyers for the time being unto and amongst the poorest people being Free of the said Company at the Discretion of the Master Wardens and theire Successors.

(Item) I give and bequeath Unto the said Edward Overinge and Henry Reeve their executors and Assignes All those my Messuages or Tenements with their Appurtenances Sittuate Lying and being in Chick Lane in the parish of St Sepulchres without Newgate London which I hold by Lease of the sd parish of St Sepulchres and all my estate and Interest of in and to the same To hold Unto the said Edward Overinge and Henry Reeve their executors and Assignes for and dureing all the Terme of yeares as I have or ought to have of in and to the same at the time of my Decease they the said Edward Overinge and Henry Reeve their Executors and Assignes paying yearely to the Churchwardens of the said parish of St Sepulchres Four pounds for the Use of the poore of the said parish To bee distributed amongst them at the Discretion of the Churchwardens for the time being halfe yearely And alsoe to the poore people of the said Company of Bowyers in London Four pounds more yearely to bee distributed amongst them half yearely At the Discretion of the Wardens of the said Company of Bowyers for the time being.

(Item) I give and bequeath more Unto the said Henry Reeve All that Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances Comonly Called or Knowne by the name or Signe of the Cock sometime in the Tenure or occupation of Henry Nicholas situate and being in Fewter Lane als Fetter Lane near Fleete Streete London To hold Unto the said Henry Reeve his executors and Assignes for and dureing all the Terme of yeares as shalbee to Come and Unexpired in the Lease by which I hold and enjoy the same at the time of my decease Alsoe I give and bequeath Unto the said Henry Reeve all such Rents and Arrearages of Rents as shalbee due and oweing to mee the said James Wood for the said house called the Cock at the time of my Decease And as Touching the ordering & disposition of all my Freehold Messuages Lands Tenements & Hereditaments with their Appurtenances I will and bequeath the same in manner and forme following (that is to say) First I give will devise and bequeath Unto the parson and Churchwardens of the parish Church of St Nicholas Cole Abbey aforesaid and to their Successors parsons and Churchwardens of the said parish Church forever All that my Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances sittuate Lying and being in old Fish streete in the parish of St Nicholas Cole Abbey aforesaid and over Against the Church Doore of the same parish Church Late in the Tenure or occupation of Thomas Willis Cittizen and Fishmonger of London or his Assignes And now in the Tenure or occupation of John Gibson Fishmonger his Assignee or Assignes which said Messuage or Tenement I Lately purchased of Stephen Topley Cittizen and Fishmonger of London To have and to hold the said Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances Unto the said parson and Churchwardens and to theire successors forever Upon the Conditions Intents and purposes hereafter mentioned (that is the say) to the Intent and purpose that the said parson and Church-wardens and their Successors shall every yeare yearely forever from and after the Expiration of one half yeare next after my Decease out of the Rents proffitts and Revenues of the same Messuage or Tenement give bestowe and Distribute Unto and Upon Six poore Labouring people Dwelling In the parish of St Nicholas Cole Abbey aforesaid And in the ward of Bread streete Upon every Sunday in the yeare One Dozen of Bread And doe also expend and Disburse from and after one whole yeare next after my Decease every yeare yearely forever towards a Drinking to bee yearely held and kept by them the said parson and Churchwardens and other the parishioners of the parish of St Nicholas Cole Abbey aforesaid Upon the Assention Day when they goe in procession Tenn Shillings And alsoe doe give the Sexton of the said parish of St Nicholas Cole Abbey Upon every Assension Day Two shillings and ymploy and bestow the remainder of the Rents Revenues and proffitts of the said Messuage or Tenement Unto and Upon the poore Labouring people of the said parish At the Discretion of the Church-wardens & overseers there for the time being provided allwayes that if it shall fortune the said parson and Churchwardens of the parish Church of St Nicholas Cole Abbey aforesaid for the time being at any time hereafter to bee remisse or negligent in the payment and distributing of the said Legacyes and Sumes of money which are yssuing out of the said Messuage or Tenement last before mentioned And doe not truely pay and Distribute the same Upon the severall Dayes aforesaid according to the purport and true meaning of this my present Testament and Last will or otherwise Upon reasonable request To them in that behalfe made, then I will that this my present gift and Devise of the said Messuage or Tenement to the Uses and purposes before expressed shalbee Void and of none effect to all Intents and purposes And then I give will Devise and bequeath the same Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances Unto the Masters Wardens and Comonalty of the said Company of Bowyers and to their successors forever for and to the Use of the poore of the said Company.

Proved 29th July 1629 in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury and entered in Book "Ridley" folio 70. James Wood was buried in the Church of St Nicholas Cole Abbey in the City of London on the 23rd day of July 1629.

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