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Re-grant of the Charter - 17th November 1666

Original Grant Charter of James I, 25th May 1621 (Patent Roll 18 James I Part 18 No 19)
Re-grant 17th November 1666 by Charles II
Grantee The Master, Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the City of London
Description of the Company Ancient Fraternity - now fallen into decay through want of employment occasioned by disuse of that laudable exercise of Shooting wherein in times past (England) above all others was so expert
Royal purpose of the grant To restore the exercise of archery and encourage (the king's) subjects away from unlawful and unmanly pursuits
Jurisdiction Geographically, the company has jurisdiction within the City of London and the suburbs within 3 miles circuit. Any person who is not a member of the society but who is practising as a Bowyer within the City is subject to the same charges and regulations as members
Incorporation The company is granted the right to own land and chattels as a corporation, to have a separate legal entity and to have a common seal
Governing body A master, two wardens and thirteen assistants
First master Richard Gyles to serve from 25th May 1621 to 25th July 1622
First wardens John Jefferson and William Jones to serve from 25th May 1621 to 25th July 1622
First Assistants Richard Nottingham, James Wood, Thomas Abbott Snr, Joseph Arment, Thomas Abbott Jnr, Thomas Brightwell, Richard Cox, Edward Jones, John Parksall, William Hucksley (10 persons in total)
Appointment of assistants To remain for their natural lives but can be removed by the master, a warden or the majority of the assistants
Clerk and Beadle The master, wardens and assistants can appoint a Clerk and a Beadle
Quarterage 8d per quarter payable on the English quarter days, payable by members and any non-members practising as Bowyers. The master and wardens have the power to distrain for non-payment.
Hall The company may own a hall or house or can meet at any convenient house within the City or 3 miles circuit.
Ordinances The master and wardens have the power to set ordinances for the government of the company (and of any practising non-members). They have the power to alter the ordinances, call offenders to a meeting, levy fines for breaches and raise money to support and maintain the good work of the company.
Elections A master and two wardens are to be elected on 25th July 1622 to serve for 2 years.
Replacement of officers If a master or warden should die in office or be removed, a replacement must be nominated with 14 days.
Replacement of assistants If an assistant should die in office or be removed, a replacement must be nominated with 3 months.
Ownership of land The company may purchase land, not to exceed 100 marks per annum, and may sell the same land. (A mark was 13s 4d or £2/3)
Former lands and privileges The new company will continue to hold lands and enjoy any privileges which were granted by whatever means to its predecessors by whatever name of incorporation, guild or fraternity it was known.
Power to search and examine The master, wardens and assistants (at least 6 of them including a master or warden) have the right to search and examine the work of members and practising non-members, correct offences, punish and fine.


All men to keep longbows The master, wardens and assistants, with the assistance of a Constable or other officer, have the power of search to ensure that all families have "sufficient longbows according to the statute". The Lord Mayor, Aldermen, Sheriffs, JPs, officers and ministers are required to assist.
Power to shoot Members may shoot in fields and pastures and set up stakes and marks.
Fletchers No fletcher may make or sell longbows

REGRANT by King Charles the Second of the Charter granted to the Master, Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the City of London by KING JAMES THE FIRST and dated the 25th day of May, 1621.

Carolus Secundus Dei gratia Angliae Scotiae Franciae et Hibniae Rex fidei Defensor etc Rex omnibus ad quos presentes lrae prevenerint saltm Inspeximus irrotulamen quasdam lras Paten geren dat apud Westm vicesimo quinto die May anno Regni pcharissimi avi nri Dm JACOBI nup Regis Angliae decimo octavo Magro Gardian et Societat mistery de le Bowyers London fact et concess in Rotul Cur Cancellar irrotulat ac ibm de Recordo remanen in hac vba.

Charles the Second by the grace of GOD of England Scotland France and Ireland KING Defender of the Faith &c: THE KING To all to whom these present Letters shall come Greeting: WE have Examined the Inrollment of certain Letters Patent bearing date at Westminster the Twenty fifth day of May in the Eighteenth year of the Reign of our most dear Grand-father LORD JAMES late King of England to the Master, Wardens & Society of the Mistery of the Bowyers London made and granted in the Rolls of the Court of Chancery inrolled and there on Record remaining in these words: JAMES by the grace of GOD &c: To all to whom these presents shall come Greeting: Whereas the Bowyers of our Citty of London useing the Art or Misterye of makeing of Long Bowes are an Anntient Fraternity within the said Cittie who by their labour and practize of this Trade did heretofore competently live and maynteyne themselves and families but now are fallen into greate decay through want of ymployment occasioned by divers of that Laudable Exercise of Shooteing wherein in times past this Nation above all others was soe expert and dexterous as that the same became a principall munition and strength of this our Kingdome in times of warre and hostilitye Knowe yee, that wee being willing, as much as in us lyeth, to recontinue and restore againe the Anntient and laudable exercise of Archery with the Long Bowe whereby our Subjects may not onlye bee trained up in a Comendable exercise tending much to the strength and defence of our Realme but thereby may bee withholden from other unlawfull and unmanly exercises whereunto they are apt and easily induced. And to the end that the said Fraternity of Bowyers of London may with better encouragement hereafter practice their said Trade and have the rule and Government over all persons now useing, or which hereafter shall use the said Mistery within our Citty of London and Suburbes and Libertyes thereof and within the Circuit of Three Miles of the said Cittye. Of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion have willed ordained graunted Constituted and declared And by these presents for us our heires & Successors doe will ordaine Graunt Constitute and declare: That our Welbeloved Subjects the Bowyers of London and all and every Person and Persons now useing or which shall hereafter use the Mistery and Trade of makeing long bowes within our Cittie of London and the Libertyes thereof and being Freemen of the said Cittie and all other person and persons not useing the said Trade of makeing long bowes being Freemen of the said Cittie and now free of the said Fraternity or hereafter to bee made free of the Society hereafter named shall from henceforth bee in name and deed One Body Corporate and Politique and one Perpetuall Society by the Name of the Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London And them by the name of the Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London one body Corporate and politique WEE doe from henceforth really and fully for us our heires and Successors erect ordaine make create constitute and establish by these presents And that they by the name of the Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London shall have continuall and perpetuall Succession And that they and their Successors for ever hereafter shalbee named and called by the name of the Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Citty of London: And that they by the Name of the Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London bee and shalbee at all times hereafter persons able and capable in lawe to have demand receive possesse and enjoy to them and their Successors in Fee or otherwise as well Mannors Messuages Lands Tenements, Liberties, Priviledges, Jurisdictions, Franchises, Rents, Tenthes Revenues, and other hereditaments whatsoever as all and all manner of goods and chattells and other things whatsoever And also from time to time to give graunt sell demise assigne and dispose of the same Mannors Messuages, Lands, Tenements, hereditaments goods or Chattels or any part or parcell thereof And at their wills and pleasure to performe make seale and constitute all and singular deeds, writings and things necessary touching the same: And that they by the name of Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London may pleade and bee impleaded, answeare and bee answeared unto defend and bee defended before all Judges and Justices and other Officers and Ministers of us our heires and Successors and other persons whatsoever in any Courts or places, and in all and singular matters, suites, pleas, complaints actions demands and causes whatsoever of what quality nature condition or kinde soever they bee and in as full ample manner as any other our Subjects of this our Realme of England being persons able and capable in Lawe may or can plead or bee impleaded, answeare or bee answeared unto, defend or bee defended or may have receive possesse give graunt and demise as aforesaid: And that they the said Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of the Bowyers of the Cittie of London may have from henceforth a Common Seale for them and their Successors to bee kept for the doing and Sealeing of all Instruments Deeds matters things and businesses touching the said Society and their Successors: And that it shalbee lawfull for the said Master Wardens and Society and their Successors at their wills and pleasures to breake change alter and make new the said Seale as to them shall seem meete and expedient.

And moreover of our further Grace wee will and Ordaine by these presents for us our heires and Successors that hereafter for the time to come, there bee and shalbee one Master and two Wardens of the said Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London to Governe and Rule that Society and the Members and Freemen thereof and all things matters causes and busines touching or Concerning that Society and Mistery; Which said Master and Wardens wee will shalbee appointed and chosen in manner and forme in these presents Expressed:

And further of our more especiall Grace wee will and ordaine by these presents for us our heires and Successors That from henceforth there bee and shalbee Thirteene discreete and honest persons of the said Society which shalbee and shalbee called Assistants of the said Society who shalbee Assistant Ayding and Councelling to the said Master and Wardens for the time being in all matters causes and businesses touching or concerning the said Society and good order of government of the same to bee appointed and chosen in manner and forme in those presents Expressed: And further for the better execution of this our Graunt touching the premises and for the good Goverment and rule of the said Society of our further Grace wee doe for us our heires and Successors, assigne name create, ordaine and constitute our welbeloved Servant Richard Gyles Gentleman one of the said Society to bee the first and Moderne Master of the said Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London hee first takeing his Oath before the Mayor of our Cittie of London for the time being honestly & faithfully to exercise that office willing that the said Richard Gyles bee and remaine Master of the said Society from the day of the date of these presents untill the Thursday next after the Feast of St. James the Apostle which shalbee in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Twenty and Two and from thenceforward untill another fitt and discreete person of the said Society bee Chosen into the Office of the Master of that Society and have taken his oath for the Exerciseing of that Office according to the Ordinance herein expressed if the said Richard Gyles shall live soe long

And wee have likewise assigned named created ordained and appointed our welbeloved John Jefferson and William Jones to bee the first and Moderne Two Wardens of the said Society of the Mistery of the Bowyers of the Cittie of London both them in like manner first takeing their Oath before the Mayor of our Cittie of London for the time being for the faithfull Execution of their Offices respectively Willing that the said John Jefferson and William Jones bee and shall remaine Wardens of the said Society from the day of the date of these presents untill the Thursday next after the Feast of St. James the Apostle which shalbee in the yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six Hundred Twenty and Two and from thencefoward untill Two other fitt and discreete persons of the said Society bee chosen into the offices of Wardens of that Society, and have taken their Oathes for the exerciseing of the said Offices of wardens according to the orders and provisions in these presents expressed if the said John Jefferson and William Jones shall live soe long:

And also wee have appointed named created ordained and constituted and by these presents for us our heires and Successors doe assigne name create ordaine and constitute our welbeloved Richard Nottingham, James Wood, Thomas Abbott Senior, Joseph Arment, Thomas Abbott Junior, Thomas Brightwell, Richard Cox, Edward Jones, John Parksall and William Hucksley being of the foresaid Society to bee the first Tenne Assistants of the foresaid Society they the said first tenne Assistants takeing their Oathes before the Mayor of our Cittie of London aforesaid for the time being and all other Succeeding Assistants that shall hereafter bee chosen into that place shall take their Oathes before the Master and Wardens of the said Society or any two of them for the time being for the faithfull Execution of their severall Offices and places of Assistants Willing that the said Richard Nottingham, James Wood, Thomas Abbott Senior, Joseph Arment, Thomas Abbott Junior, Thomas Brightwell, Richard Cox, Edwd Jones, John Parksall and William Hucksley bee and shalbee and remaine Assistants of the aforesaid Society for and during their naturall lives respectively Except any of them for any reasonable Causes shalbee removed or dismissed from their office or offices of Assistants by the Master, Wardens and the greater part of the Assistants of the said Society for the time being. And further wee have given and graunted and by these presents for us our heires and Successors doe give and graunt to the foresaid Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London, and to their Successors full power and authority that they the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them may nominate and choose one Clarke and one Beadle from time to time soe often as and whensoever it shall please them to serve the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being in their Commands and lawfull Businesses whatsoever to bee and continue in the said Offices of Clarke and Beadle of the said Society during the will and pleasure only of the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater part of them. And further wee will and for us our heires and Successors by these presents Doe ordaine and graunt to the said Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Citty of London and their Successors That as well Freemen and Members of the said Society as Forreyners or others inhabiteing within our Cittie of London or the Suburbs or Libertyes thereof or within the Circuite or precinct of Three miles of the said Cittie and there useing and exerciseing the said Mistery of Bowyers albeit the said Persons bee not Freemen of the said Society from henceforth shalbee Contributorie with the Freemen of the said Society in all Taxes Charges and payments as well as to us our heires and Successors as for and towards the maintainance and sustentation of the said Mistery and shall from time to time pay beare and undergoe such and the like charges and payments as other our Subjects being Freemen and members of the said Society of Bowyers doe pay or are accustomed or ought to pay: Wee will also and for us our heires and Successors of our especiall grace Doe Ordaine for and towards the better sustentation of the said Society and the Common Charges thereof that all and every person and persons being Freemen of the said Society, and all and every other person and persons resideing or dwelling within our said Cittie of London and the Suburbes and Lybertyes thereof or within the Circuite of three miles of the said Cittie and there useing or Exerciseing the said Mistery of Bowyers shall from time to time for ever hereafter pay yearely to the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London and their Successors a duty or sume of Two Shillings Eight pence att the foure usuall Feasts (vizt:) Att the Feasts of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin Mary the Nativity of St. John Baptist, St. Michael Th’archangell, and the Nativity of our Lord God to bee paid by even and equal portions (that is to say) Att every Feast of the said Feasts Eight pence being an Anntient payment and duty called Quarteridge, heretofore due and paid by the Freemen of the Fraternity of Bowyers of London to the Master and Wardens of the said Fraternity for many yeares past for the Collecting and Leavying whereof wee doe for us our heires and Successors graunt to the said Master Wardens and Society and their Successors That it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society and their Successors for the time being or any of them by themselves or by any one or more of them or by their Officer appointed in that behalf from time to time henceforth to have receive demand require collect and leavy by distresse and distresses to bee had and made according to the lawe of and from all and every person and persons being members of the said Society and of and from all and every other person and persons whatsoever inhabiteing or resideing within our Cittie of London or the Suburbs or Lybertyes thereof or within the said Circuite of three miles of the said Citty which use or exercise the said Mistery the said yearely payment or duty of Two Shillings Eight pence for Quarteridge mony as aforesaid.

Moreover of our further Grace wee will and by these presents for us our heires and Successors doe give and graunt to the said Master Wardens and Society and their Successors That the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being and their Successors hereafter may have a Comon Hall or Howse in any convenient place within our said Cittie of London or the Libertyes thereof And that it shallbee lawfull to the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society and their Successors and for all the members and Freemen of the said Society and all other Persons within our said Cittie of London the suburbs and lybertyes thereof or within the said Circuite of Three Miles of the said Cittie inhabiting and there useing and exerciseing the said Mistery of Bowyers to meete and gather together in the said Hall or Howse or in any other convenient Howse within our said Cittie or Libertyes thereof soe often as and whensoever it shall seeme expedient and necessary to the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society.

And further wee doe by these presents for us our heires and successors will ordaine and graunt to the said Master Wardens and Society and their successors That it shall and may be Lawfull to and for the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them To make constitute and sett downe in writeing all such good and wholesome Lawes Ordinances Statutes and Constitutions as they or the greater part of them in their wisdomes and discretions shall thinke meete for the good Goverrment of the said Society and Mistery of Bowyers and of every member thereof and of such others as inhabiteing within the Circuite of Three Miles of our said Cittie of London shall use or exercise the said Mistery as aforesaid Soe as the said Ordinances Statutes and Constitutions bee consonant & agreeable to the Lawes and Statutes of this our Realme And the same Statutes Constitutions and Ordinances from time to time wee will shall bee duely observed kept and executed under the paines and penalties therein to be lymitted and appointed which wee will and ordaine for us our heires and Successors to bee from time to time had and leavyed to the use and behoofe of the Master Wardens and Society and their Successors by distresse and distresses of the goods and Chattells of the delinquents or offenders against the same or by any other lawfull wayes or meanes without the impeachment or impediment of us our heires or Successors or any Justices Mayors Sherriffs or other our Officers or Ministers whatsoever: And That it shall and may bee Lawfull to and for the said Master Wardens and Assistants or the greater part of them for the time being the same Statutes Constitutions and Ordinances by them soe had and made or any of them from time to time to change revoke and annihilatte in such manner and forme as to them or the greater part of them shall seeme convenient and expedient; And also wee will and by these presents for us our heires and Successors Doe graunt to the said Master Wardens and Society of the said Mistery of Bowyers and their Successors That the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them from time to time shall have full power and authorrity to assesse impose and taxe such reasonable payments taxes and sumes of money As well uppon the Severall persons and members of the said Society as uppon all other persons useing the Mistery aforesaid within our Cittie of London the Suburbs and Lybertyes thereof and within Three Miles of the said Cittie as to the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or to the greater part of them shall seeme meete and necessary for the Supportation maintenance good rule and goverment of the said Society.

And further of our especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion wee have ordained, and by these presents for us our heires and Successors doe ordaine and graunt to the said Master Wardens & Assistants of the said Society and their Successors That if any Person or Persons being Freemen of the said Society or any Persons useing or Exerciseing the said Mistery within the said Cittie of London or the Lybertyes thereof or within Three Miles of the said Cittie shalbee summond by the Officer or Minister of the said Society of Bowyers to appeare at any Court or meeting hereafter to bee held by the Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being in any certaine place within our said Citty of London and the Liberties thereof by Appointment of the Master and Wardens for the time being and such person or persons soe sumoned shall not appeare uppon reasonable warneing at the day hower and place soe appointed not haveing a lawfull and reasonable cause or excuse to bee allowed by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them or if any person or persons being of the said Society, or any other person useing the Mistery aforesaid within the said Cittie of London the Suburbs and Liberties thereof or within Three Miles of the said Cittie shall refuse to pay or shall not pay all such payments taxes or sumes of money uppon him or them reasonably sett or taxed or hereafter to bee sett or taxed as aforesaid or shall not fulfil and keepe all lawfull statutes, acts, ordinances and constitutions made or hereafter to bee made by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them but shall violate breake or infringe the same That then & soe often it shalbee Lawfull to and for the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them from time to time to assesse and tax uppon every such person or persons soe offending all such fines amerciaments and sumes of money whatsoever for his or their offences and contempts in that behalf as shall seeme necessary and convenient to the said Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being or to the greater part of them which said fines amerciaments or other payments, taxes or sumes of money whatsoever uppon them or any of them from time to time to be sett taxed and assessed as aforesaid it shall and may bee lawfull to and for the said Master Wardens and Assistants for the time being and their Successors by distresse and distresses and by all other lawfull wayes and meanes To leavy receive, take and convert the same unto the only use of the said Master Wardens and Society and their Successors without molestation trouble or Impeachment of us our heires or Successors or of any our Officers Ministers and Subjects whatsoever.

And further of our especiall Grace certaine knowledge and mere motion Wee will and Ordaine and by these presents for us our heires and Successors Doe graunt to the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society and to their Successors full power and authorrity that the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them from time to time hereafter uppon Thursday next after the Feast of St: James the Apostle which shalbee in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Twenty and Two shall and may Nominate and Choose one fitt and discreete person out of the Assistants of the said Society for the time being to bee Master of the said Society and Two other fitt and discreete Persons of the said Society to bee Wardens of that Society To Rule and Governe the same Society and all the Members and Freemen thereof and all others useing the Mistery of Bowyers in London and the Suburbs and Libertyes thereof and within Three Miles Compasse thereof, and their Servants and Apprentices as aforesaid the said Master and Wardens being soe named and Chosen from time to time first takeing their Oathes before the last Master and Wardens of the yeare next preceeding or any Two of them or before the Assistants of the said Society or the greater number of them well and honestly in all things to exercise and execute their said severall Offices respectively: And that they the said Master and Wardens soe newly nominated and chosen and sworne shall and may Execute their foresaid severall Offices for Two whole yeares next following and from thence forwards untill some others shalbee nominated chosen and sworne unto the said Offices respectively according to the tenor and effect of these presents. Alsoe wee will and by these presents for us our heires and Successors Doe ordaine and Graunt that soe often as and whensoever it shall happen the Master or Wardens of the said Society or any of them to decease or depart out of this life or otherwise to bee removed from their Offices for any reasonable cause before the end of the said Two yeares in which as aforesaid hee or they shalbee nominated and chosen, which said Master and Wardens for the time being, wee will and Ordaine shall and may bee removeable and removed respectively by the Master Wardens and Assistants of the foresaid Society for the time being or the greater part of them for any just and reasonable cause That then and soe often it shalbee lawfull to the said Master Warden or Wardens and to the Assistants of the said Society then for the time being and remayning in their said Office or Offices or to the greater part of them within Fowerteene daies next after the death or removall of such Master Warden or Wardens to name and chose any other fitt and discreete person or persons out of the said Assistants into the place and roome of the said person or persons soe deceased or removed. And that hee or they soe newly nominated and chosen haveing as aforesaid first taken his or their Oathes in manner and forme aforesaid shall and may lawfully exercise and execute the said office or Offices Respectively for the Residue of the said Two yeares and from thence forward untill some other person or persons shalbee nominated and chosen into the said offices according to the tenor and effect of these presents: WEE will also and of our like especiall grace doe for us our heires and Successors ordaine and graunt that soe often as and whensoever it shall happen any one or more of the said Assistants of the said Society for the time being to decease or for some reasonable cause as aforesaid to bee removed from the said office whom wee will for any reasonable cause shall and may bee removeable and removed by the Master and Wardens of the foresaid Society and the rest of the Assistants for the time being or the greater part of them That then and soe often it shalbee lawfull for the Master Wardens and the rest of the Assistants of the said Society then liveing and being in their Office or Offices or the greater part of them within Three Monthes next after the death or removall of such person or persons from time to time to nominate and chose one or more other fitt person or persons being Freemen of the said Society into the place or roome of the said person or persons soe deceased or removed; And That every such person and persons soe nominated and chosen takeing his and their Oath before the Master and Wardens of the foresaid Society for the time being or any Two of them for the honest and faithfull exerciseing of the said Office or Place, shalbee Assistant and Assistants of the said Society for terme of his or their life or lives unless hee or they shalbee for reasonable cause thence removed as aforesaid from the said office of Assistants by the Master and Wardens and the rest of the Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them.

And further Wee will and by these presents for us our heires and Successors doe graunt to the said Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London and their Successors That they and their Successors shall and may by that name have and enjoy to them and their Successors all such goods and chattels lands tenements possessions and heireditaments whatsoever as they now have hold enjoy and possesse or which their predecessors the Master Keepers or Wardens and Company of Freemen of the Mistery of the Bowyers of London or the Fraternity of the Bowyers of London or by what other name or names soever they have beene called or knowne, heretofore have had held enjoyed or possessed or which they ought to have hold enjoy or possesse or which hath beene seized to their use or in Trust for them. And further knowe yee That to the end that the said Master Wardens and Society and their Successors may the better beare and support the Charges of that Society from time to time of our Especiall Grace certaine knowledge and meere motion wee have given and graunted and by these presents for us our heires and Successors Doe give and graunt License power and authorrity to the said Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London and to their Successors That they and their Successors may from time to time lawfully have receive obtaine and purchase to them and their Successors aswell of us our heires and Successors as of any other person or persons whatsoever any messuages lands tenements liberties priviledges jurisdictions franchises rents tithes revennues and other possessions and hereditaments whatsoever which are not held of us our heires or Successors imediately by Knights Service in Cheife nor of us our heires or Successors or of any other person or persons by Knights Service soe as the said lands, tenements and hereditaments Soe as aforesaid hereafter to bee obtained and purchased doe not exceed the yearely value of One Hundred Markes per annum besides all charges, and reprises; And that they the said Master Wardens and Society and their Successors all and Singular the said lands tenements and heireditaments heretofore by them or their Predecessors purchased and obtained or hereafter to bee by them or their Successors purchased and obtained Shall and may lawfully from time to time demise graunt sell change and at their pleasures dispose of as to them shall seeme most expedient the statute Concerneing the not putting of Lands and Tenements in Mortmaine or any other Statute Act Order Provision or Restraint made sett forth Ordained or provided to the Contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

And further Wee will and for us our heires and Successors by these presents doe graunt to the said Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of the Bowyers of the Cittie of London and to their Successors That they and their Successors from time to time hereafter shall and may lawfully have hold use exercise and enjoy all and Singular such lands tenements possessions hereditaments franchises priviledges exemptions quittances jurisdictions and reasonable customes which they or their Predecessors by any name or names of Incorporation Guild or Fraternity or otherwise have had held or enjoyed or ought to have possesse hold or enjoy by reason or virtue of any Charters or Letters Pattents by us or any our Progenitors Kings and Queenes of this Realme of England heretofore made graunted or confirmed or by any other lawfull meanes right custome use prescription or title soever heretofore used had or accustomed any thing cause or matter whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding.

Moreover of our further especiall grace certaine knowledge and meere motion wee will and by these presents for us our heires & Successors Doe graunt unto the said Master Wardens & Assistants of the said Society and their Successors full power and authorrity that they the said Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society and their Successors or Six of them at the least whereof the Master and Wardens of the said Society for the time being wee will to bee alwaies one, shall and may for ever hereafter have enjoy and exercise, within our said Cittie of London and the Suburbs and Lybertyes thereof and within our Cittie of Westminster and Lybertyes thereof the Burrough of Southwarke precinct of St. Katherine neare the Tower of London Lybertye of Stebon-heath als Stepney and in all other places within Three Miles compasse on every side about the said Cittie of London full and perfect survey search examination correction and goverment aswell of all and singular Freemen of the said Cittie of London as of all and singular others Forreigners or Strangers within the said Citties of London and Westminster and the Lybertyes and Suburbs thereof the Burrough of Southwarke and Precinct of St. Katherine and Lybertye of Stepney aswell within Lybertyes as without useing and exerciseing the said Mistery of Bowyers or publiquely or privately makeing any Bowes of Wood within the said Citties Libertyes and places aforesaid or any of them or otherwise in any other place or places within the space of Three Miles from the said Cittie of London: And That the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being or the greater part of them from time to time hereafter shall have full power and authorrity to punish and correct aswell Freemen of the said Cittie of London as Strangers and Forreigners as aforesaid useing and exerciseing the said Mistery of Bowyers within the said Cittie of London and Suburbs thereof and the Severall places aforesaid or elsewhere within the compasse of Three Miles every way about the said Cittie of London for their offences in unsufficiently deceiptfully or unworkmanly executeing useing and performeing the said Mistery of Bowyers to bee from time to time corrected and amended according to their good discretions and to assesse and tax reasonable fines and amerciaments uppon all offenders whatsoever according to their offences to be leavyed and taken to the propper use of the said Master Wardens and Society and their Successors. And the better to uphold increase and mainetaine the said Mistery of makeing Long Bowes wee do hereby authorize the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society for the time being with the assistance of a Constable or other Officer to bee appointed by the Lord Mayor of our Cittie of London for the time being To search and see at their wills and pleasures that all men inhabiting in our Cittie of London Liberties and Suburbs thereof and within the foresaid Circuite of Three Miles of the said Cittie that they and their families have sufficient Long Bowes according to the Statute in that behalf provided that soe uppon complaint or other lawfull proceeding had and made before the Lord Mayor of our said Cittie of London or other Justices of peace for the time being at their Quarter Sessions or otherwise they may thereuppon impose and sett such Fines and punishments uppon offenders in this kinde as by our lawes & statutes are provided in that behalfe. And further for the better reviveing and renewing of the laudable use and exercise of the Longe Bowe whereby divers unlawfull uncomly and unmanly games and exercises may bee in some measure repressed; Wee doe hereby for us our heires and Successors will require charge and comand the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of our Cittie of London for the time being and all other Mayors Sherriffes Justices of Peace and other officers and Ministers to whom it appertayneth to bee ayding helping and assisting to the Master Wardens and Assistants of the said Society of Bowyers in and by all things in the due execution of these our Letters Pattents and all graunts clauses and things therein contained: And Lastly Wee doe for us our heires and Successors will and ordaine That it shall and may bee lawfull aswell to and for the said Master Wardens and Society of Bowyers and their Successors as all other our Subjects to Shoote practise and exercise shooteing in the Longe Bowe in any feilds and pastures, and to erect and sett up stakes and markes according to the Statute and other good Orders heretofore prescribed which wee will shalbee observed and kept as our loveing subjects doe tender and will avoid our high displeasure therein. And further for the better maintainance of the said Mistery and the Members and Freemen of the same Wee doe hereby for us our heires and Successors will ordaine prohibite and command that noe Fletcher or Fletchers whatsoever not being a Member or Freeman of the said Mistery of Bowyers shall or may from henceforth make or mend or utter or sell by retaile any Longe Bowe or Bowes whatsoever within our Cittie of London or the Suburbes or Liberties thereof or in any other place or places within the compasse of Three Miles of the said Cittie of London uppon paine of our high displeasure and such other penalties and punishments as shalbee thought fitt to bee inflicted on such offenders by the Lord Mayor of our Citty of London and the Justices of Peace and other our Officers respectively for the time being within the severall places aforesaid whom wee doe hereby will authorrize and require to bee from time to time favouring ayding and assisting to the said Master Wardens and Society of Bowyers and their Successors in the due execution of these our Letters pattents and every thing and matter therein contained: And these presents or the Inrollment thereof shalbee their sufficient Warrant & discharge in that behalfe although expresse mention of the true yearely value or certainety of the premises or any of them or of any other guifts or graunts by us or any our Progenitors or Predecessors to the aforesaid Master Wardens and Assistants of the Company of Bowyers of the Cittie of London heretofore made in these presents bee not recited Or any other Statute Act Ordinance Provission Proclamation or Restraint heretofore had made sett forth ordained or provided or any other cause or matter, to the Contrary hereof In any wise notwithstanding. In Witnesse whereof &c: witnesse our selfe at Westminster the five and Twentith day of MAY in the Eighteenth yeare of our Reigne*, by Letters under our Privy Seale, And Wee permitting the tenor at the request of the now Master Wardens and Society of the Mistery of Bowyers of the Cittie of London have suffered the same to bee Exemplified In Testimony whereof wee have caused these our Letters Pattents to bee made: Witnesse our self at Westminster this Seventeenth day of November, In the Eighteenth yeare of our Reign &c:


Examinatum per nos in Cancellar


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