Our Charity
The major areas of focus for our charity are:
- Educational Opportunity;
- Constructive benefit to less advantaged persons, preferably young and London-connected and ideally with some archery element to the benefaction;
- For the benefit of the Company’s military affiliations benevolence; and
- For the benefit of the relevant charitable causes of the Lord Mayor and other City of London Civic Bodies.
Applications for support are considered by the Charity Committee which meets four times a year. The Committee reviews the objectives of the applicant, the charity accounts and the likely purpose of the requested donation. If possible, the Charity likes to send a couple of its members to make a visit before making a final decision.
Requests for grants from the Charitable Fund are welcome in line with the objectives of the Charitable Trust. For more information, please contact us here.
The Bowyers’ Charitable Trust, is a separate entity to the Company. It is with registered with The Charity Commission for England and Wales. Registered Charity Number: 270702.